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Three Things We Can Learn from Honeybees

Three Things We Can Learn from Honeybees

By Guest Blogger Mary Ruwe

There are many lessons we can learn from those busy little yellow honeybees, but we will just touch on three areas: leadership, individual responsibility, and team work.

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Honey bees have a leader – the queen bee – they know her and she knows them. Christians have a leader too: the Lord Jesus Christ is head of the Church. He knows each of us and we are to know Him. Jesus said in John 10:14, “I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.” We are to know the voice of God and be able to distinguish His voice from the enemy.


Each bee has a job and they work hard to fulfill their individual responsibility which is mostly to pollinate: the transferal of pollen from one place to another. Without pollinators, humanity and all earth’s ecosystems would not survive. Bees carry out their job of pollination as the result of their travels. If there were no bees, most of the greenery in the world would be gone. Each bee does their job or part which lightens the work of completing a larger job. Bees carry out their job of pollination as the result of their travels.

As Christians, God has individual jobs for us in His Kingdom. If we each do our job responsibly, then we will “pollenate” the world with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and complete His command in Mark 16:15 to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Our job of witnessing to those around us is to show the love of God and His forgiveness of their sins available to them through Jesus Christ. Without God’s laborers in the world, people cannot survive the harsh environment of the strategies and temptations of the devil. As we live according to the Word of God in our different travels of work, shopping, church, community involvement, even vacationing, and let the light and love shine through us, then others will see that they are in need a Savior. We read in John 3:15-17 that God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting (eternal) life; God did not sent Jesus to condemn the world but to save the world.


Honey bees are good with team work. They work as individuals, having a purpose to fulfill, but also work well together to keep the common good of the hive a priority. If one is unable to fulfill their job, others come to their aid to help.

The Christian is also to work in their local church: each fulfilling their individual purpose, whether it be a pastor, class teacher, evangelist, missionary, children’s worker, usher, worship leader (and the list goes on and on). We are to work, or walk worthy of our calling of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increase in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10). Our individual responsibilities, and teamwork, ensure the common good of the local church as well as the Kingdom of God. When one suffers, others step forward to help.

When we work together, we strengthen the effectiveness of our local church and our faith, which then overflows into the effectiveness of the universal church to promote the Gospel of Jesus throughout the world because the will of God in heaven that no one should perish (Matthew 18:14). When each individual Christian does their job, even if it appears to be a small thing, God still considers it sweet to our Lord; and together we accomplish great feats for Him.

This Month’s Guest Writer

Mary Ruwe has been writing her blog, Mary's Thoughts, since 2014. The purpose of her blog is to teach Biblical truths to help believers grow in the knowledge of God's Word and enjoy the journey of living for the Lord Jesus Christ. Mary received Jesus as my Savior when she was six years old. She’s taught Sunday School classes of all ages. In 2017, she graduated from Rhema Bible Training College in Broken Arrow, OK. Mary and her husband James and have two children, four granddaughters, one grandson, and one great-granddaughter. 

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